- A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis
- ADNOC Group
- ADNOC Refining Research Center
- AGH University of Science and Technology [Krakow, PL]
- APESA [Pau]
- ASTEK Rhône-Alpes
- AVL List GmbH
- Aalto University
- Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
- Adapter le raisonnement pire cas à différentes criticités
- Agence Nationale de la Recherche
- Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs
- Agence nationale pour le gestion des déchets radioactifs
- Agence nationale pour le gestion des déchets radioactifs - ANDRA
- Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove Tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile = Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
- AgroParisTech
- Air Liquide [Siège Social]
- Air Liquide, Centre de Recherche Claude-Delorme, Paris-Saclay, France.
- Airbus Operations SAS
- Airbus [France]
- Aix Marseille Université
- Al-Balqa' Applied University [Salt]
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University [Almaty]
- Alberta Innovates – Technology Future
- Algorithms and Software Architectures for Distributed and HPC Platforms
- Algorithms and parallel tools for integrated numerical simulations
- Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna = University of Bologna
- Alstom Power
- Alstom Power Turbo-Systems Technology Centre
- Amirkabir University of Technology
- Amoco EPTG
- Anglo Research
- Anna University
- Ansa
- Apex Engineering Inc
- Apollor
- Applied Science & Technology Consulting
- Argonne National Laboratory [Lemont]
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Arkema
- Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies
- Asfaltos Españoles SA
- Auteur indépendant
- Automatic mesh generation and advanced methods
- Axens
- Axson France
- Azad University
- affiliation inconnue