Article Dans Une Revue Tropismes Année : 2004

Theory Impossible: Translation in the Transnational University


The essay, commenting upon how Jacques Derrida's attention to the materiality of language challenges efforts of translation that obey semantic goals, is a reflexion upon possible directions to take in translation theory. The essay comments specifically upon Derrida's 2003 essay _Béliers_ and his 2002-03 lecture course, La bête et le souverain.
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hal-01131613 , version 1 (14-03-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01131613 , version 1


Thomas Dutoit. Theory Impossible: Translation in the Transnational University. Tropismes, 2004, Whither Theory? Où va la théorie ?, 12 (1), pp.87-114. ⟨hal-01131613⟩
115 Consultations
322 Téléchargements

