Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2012

Looking for Busy Beavers. A socio-philosophical study of a computer-assisted proof


This paper analyses issues of computer-assisted proofs focusing on one particular case, viz. that of proofs of particular instances of the Busy Beaver problem
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hal-01396523 , version 1 (14-11-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01396523 , version 1


Liesbeth de Mol. Looking for Busy Beavers. A socio-philosophical study of a computer-assisted proof. Karen Francois, Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller, et Bart van Kerkhove. Foundations of The Formal Sciences VII. Bringing together Philosophy and Sociology of Science, 32, College Publications, pp.61-90, 2012, Studies in logic, 978-1-84890-049-3. ⟨hal-01396523⟩
150 Consultations
213 Téléchargements

