J. C. Schlimmer, Concept acquisition through representational adjustment Doctoral dissertationCongressional+Voting+Records Units in model-based co-clustering Conclusion Result analysis of the Congressional Voting Records Data Set Five variables has a reversed coding in u: 3. adoption-of-the-budget-resolution 7. anti-satellite-test-ban 9. aid-to-nicaraguan-contras 10. mx-missile 16. duty-free-exports Thus be aware to change the meaning of them when having a look at the figure! Significant ICL and error rate improvements with u Conclusion for the Congressional Voting Records Here initial units id where arbitrary fixed: make sense to change! In addition, good improvement, Units in model-based co-clustering Conclusion Units and other data types, 1987.

. Ordinal-data-x-?-{high-grade, id: high grade > middle grade > low grade with " > ?? = greater in strength than u: low grade > middle grade > high grade with " > ?? = greater in weakness than Related distribution: see [Biernacki & Jacques, 2015] 29 and references therein Ranking data x ? {(car,bike), (bike,car)}: id: (car,bike) ? car is preferred to bike, (bike,car) ? bike is preferred to car u: (car,bike) ? bike is preferred to car, (bike,car) ? car is preferred to bike Related distribution: see, and references therein Other: directional data, p.30, 2014.

J. Biernacki and . Jacques, Model-Based Clustering of Multivariate Ordinal Data Relying on a Stochastic Binary Search Algorithm Statistics and Computing, in press Model-based clustering for multivariate partial ranking data, Journal of Statistical and Planning Inference, vol.149, pp.201-217, 2014.