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, Single women, divorced women or widows can receive unequal pieces of land compared with those received by their brothers. They only exercise a life interest in this land

, As a report of the International Crisis Group notes: 'bad land governance is deeply rooted and old regulation mechanisms are obsolete, thus contributing to conflict, social tensions and a malnutrition rate close to 75%' (International Crisis Group, with 90% of the population dependent on agriculture. The population is growing at a rate of 3.1% (data for 2013, vol.80, 2012.

, 164), for women. Indeed, in Burundi, collective action on land inheritance is mainly composed of women (mostly urban and educated women members of human rights and women's associations, and women in politics) who defend this right as women, but without labelling themselves as 'feminist' -a term that is perceived as too close to Western movements; and for women, iii Collective action is defined as 'the product of interactions, mutual perceptions, and expectations, called strategic intervention, 1993.

, whose identity I do not always give for reasons of confidentiality). Taking advantage of two internships -at UN Women in 2012 and at CARE International in 2013 -I led observations and collected information on informal and sometimes 'hidden' processes of collective action. I also drew upon archival data from the UN, iv I conducted about 20 in-depth interviews with Burundian women activists and women in politics as well as with UN and NGO employees

, United Nations 2012)'; also 'the Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) called for 'agrarian reform and redistribution of land to ensure the right of women, regardless of marital status, vol.5, 2005.

, the chefferie tribunal recognised the right of women to inherit from their father, on condition that he had decided accordingly during his life, vi According to Virginie Nyarusage, 1945.

, vii Such as the Eastern Africa Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI) subregional conference in 2001, and, 10 years later in Nairobi