, Sponsored by UNIFEM and Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation, ABANTU for Development for the Regional Office for East, Central, and Horn of Africa, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM, 2001). 50 'Propositions formulées par les femmes aux fins du projet d'Accord d'Arusha pour la paix et la réconciliation au Burundi, The Golden Tulip Declaration of Liberian Women Attending the Peace Talks in Accra. Accra. 15, pp.17-20, 2000.

, Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi, p.17, 2000.

U. See, Women's Participation, p.10

A. Moser, Women Building Peace and Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict-Affected Contexts: A Review of Community-Based Approaches, p.18, 2007.

, Catherine Mabobori in 'Place aux femmes, p.45

, See Jill Steans, Gender and International Relations: An Introduction, vol.1, 1998.

, For example, the Burundian Constitution of 2005 includes the main women's recommendation of Arusha: a quota guaranteeing at least 30% representation of women in elective positions. In Liberia, women's movements have acted as a watchdog of state implementation of peace accords

, The Golden Tulip Declaration of Liberian Women Attending the Peace Talks in Accra, 2003.

, Catherine Mabobori in 'Place aux femmes, p.46

. Anderlini, Women Building Peace, p.63

O. Richmond and A. Mitchell, Hybrid Forms of Peace, p.304

, Jeux d'e?chelles : la micro-analyse à l'expe?rience, p.139, 1996.