. London, Walsh publishes a dance entitled The Royal Portuguez? 39 Besides, dance collections and Chorégraphie manuals published in England often include a subscribers' list, revealing the interest of foreign subscribers, dancing masters in most cases. Thus, in London, L'Abbé's dances collection, published by Le Roussau around 1725, lists sixty-eight subscribers' names, together with the city where they live 40 : twelve of them live on the continent. Seven are dancers and ballet composers from Paris; one lives in Madrid; another one in Dusseldorf; two in La Haye and one in Vienna. In London also, in the Collection of Ball-Dances published by Weaver in 1706, forty-seven subscribers' names are mentioned, the majority of which are preceded by the title 'Mr.'; but ten come with 'Monsieur' and their names seem French. As for the names with 'Mr.' in front, two of them get the precision 'of Dublin'. 41 Dances in characters published in London by Siris feature in Amsterdam bookseller Etienne Roger's catalogue. 42 Spanish dancing master Ferriol published his book in 1745, not only in Malaga but also in Italy. 43 Taubert's book, Spain, Minguet used Chorégraphie to write and publish a famous Spanish dance

, copy of which has been passed down to us, are listed in bookseller John Walsh's catalogues as early as 1703. Richard Ralph quotes W. C. Smith, Bibliography of the musical works published by John Walsh during the years 1695-1720, The Life and works of John Weaver, vol.116, p.9, 1948.

C. R. Osés, , p.166

L. H. Dubreil and . Darmstat, Danse figurée à deux pour le bal et contredance sous le même nom, 1718.

L. Carlstadt, la Vandangeuse contredanse: toutes deux composèès pour le jour de la naissance de son altesse electorale Charle Albert, 1730.

G. Grossatesta and S. Gobbis, Balletti in occasione delle felicissime Nozze di sua Eccellenza la Signora Loredana Duodo con sua Eccellenza il signor Antonio Grimani. Composti da Gaetano Grossatesta, Museo Civico, Raccolta Correr di Venezia, Archivio Morosini Grimani, vol.245, p.1726

L. H. Dubreil and . Darmstat, The Royal Portuguez. Mr. Isaac's New Dance Made for Her Majesty's Birth Day, p.39, 1710.

F. Anthony-l'abbé and . Roussau, A New Collection of Dances, containing a great number of the best ball and stage dances, 1725.

J. Weaver, A Collection of ball-dances perform'd at court, viz. The Richmond, The Roundeau, The Rigadoon, The Favourite, The Spanheim, and The Britannia. All Compos'd by, 1706.

P. Siris and L. Camilla, Dance nouvelle (London, the author, 1708 and Amsterdam, Etienne Roger, 1708.

B. Ferriol-y-boxeraus, Reglas utiles para los aficionados a danzar: provechoso divertimiento de los que gustan tocar instrumentos y polyticas advertencias a todo genero de personas (Capoa, 1745.

, Choregraphie, oder die Kunst einen Tanz durch characteres, figuren, und andere Zeichen zu beschreiben: vermittels derer in jeder (so die fundament gefasset) von ihre selbst alle artenn der Tänze ohne sonderliche Nähe erlernen kan. Ein werck aufgesetzet von Mons. Feuillet, Maître de danse à Paris, This document is supposed to have been established in Vienna in 1752 (according to the indications it contains) and is now kept at the Newberry Library: Philip Gumpenhueber, p.1752

P. A. Pah-[hardouin and P. Imprévu, , p.10, 1748.

, In France, a single dance published by Feuillet until 1710 sell for 10 or 15 sols; a small paperback collection of two to four dances sells for 30 sols, for 40 sols if leatherbound. Larger collections, complete with the principles of Chorégraphie on top of several dances, sell for 10 French pounds, France as well as in England, p.67, 1989.

C. Markovits and . Europe, , p.30

, In France, until his death in 1710, Raoul Auger Feuillet was the only person authorized to publish dances in Chorégraphie

, John Essex's translation of Feuillet's manual for the notation of country dances includes, as he states, five country dances coming from France, and one of them is one of those Feuillet had probably taken from Playford: John Essex, For the Further Improvement of Dancing. A Treatis' of Chorography or y e Art of Dancing Country Dances after a New Character, Many of the country dances published by Feuillet actually come from Playford's dancing master, vol.1710, p.73, 1710.

, Weaver's book includes The Louvre and The Bretagne, two dances composed by Pécour, though they are not attributed to him by Weaver. John Weaver, Orchesography or the art of dancing by characters and demonstrative figures, vol.1722