Vacuum ultraviolet photodynamics of the methyl peroxy radical studied by double imaging photoelectron photoion coincidences
The vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization of the methyl peroxy radical, CH3O2, and unimolecular dissociation of internal energy selected CH3O2+ cations were investigated in the 9.7–12.0 eV energy range by synchrotron-based double imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence (i2PEPICO). A microwave discharge flow tube was employed to produce CH3O2 via the reaction of methyl radicals (CH3) with oxygen gas. After identifying and separating the different sources of CH3+ from photoionization of CH3 or dissociative photoionization of CH3O2, the high resolution slow photoelectron spectrum(SPES) of CH3O2 was obtained exhibiting two broad bands superimposed with a complex vibrational structure. The first band of the SPES is attributed to the X3A′′ and a1A′overlapped electronic states of CH3O2+ and the second is assigned to the b1A′ electronic state with the help of theoretical calculations. The adiabatic ionization energy (AIE) of CH3O2 is derived as 10.215 ± 0.015 eV, in good agreement with high-accuracytheoretical data from the literature. The vertical ionization energy of the b1A' electronic state is measured to be 11.5 eV and this state fully dissociates into CH3+ and O2fragments. The 0 K adiabatic appearance energy (AE0K) of the CH3+ fragment ion is determined to be 11.1548 ± 0.020 eV.
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