, The drafting commission was composed of representatives of the Pays de droit coutumier and Pays de droit écrit. The chairman, Tronchet, was a specialist of the custom of Paris and Portalis, native of Aix-en-Provence where he also studied law

, Pothier's Treatise on Obligations also had a major influence in the area of Common law. The first English translation of Pothier's Treatise on Obligations was published in North-Carolina in 1802, and four years later a second English edition was published in London. In 1950, the American House of Representatives even honoured Pothier as one of the 'historical figures noted for their work in establishing the principles that underlie American law'. Cf. Joseph M. Perillo, 'Robert J. Pothier's Influence on the Common Law of Contracts, Texas Wesleyan Law Review, vol.11, pp.267-290, 2004.

R. Meyer-pritzl and &. , Pothier's Treatise of Obligations, pp.288-291

, Pigeau first wrote his own project that was largely approved by the governmental commission chaired by Treilhard: Stefano Solimano, Studi di storia del diritto, pp.729-772, 1999.

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F. Olivier-martin, Histoire du droit français des origins à la Révolution, vol.2, 1995.

J. Gaudemet, Les naissances du droit. Le temps, le pouvoir et la science au service du droit, 1997.

J. Halpérin, L'impossible Code civil, 1992.

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A. Rigaudière, Penser et construire l'Etat dans la France du Moyen Age, XIII e -XV e siècle, 2003.

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