Convergent, Discriminant and Predictive Validity of Two Instruments to Assess Recidivism Risk Among Released Individuals Who Have Sexually Offended: The SORAG and the VRAG-R
Recidivism risk assessment has played an essential role in the criminal justice system for many years. Various risk assessment tools have been developed and recalibrated over the years for the purpose. Two such instruments, the Violence Risk
Appraisal Guide (VRAG) and the Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG), were
both revised before being combined into the VRAG-R. The aim of our study was
to evaluate the convergent, discriminant and predictive validity of the SORAG and
the VRAG-R in a cohort of 294 released individuals who have sexually offended in
French Belgium. Results suggest that the tools have good convergent validity and
the ability to discriminate the risk level of individuals who have sexually offended with
victims younger than 14 years old, whether intra- or extra-familial, from that of others
at higher risk for re-offending. Where predictive validity is concerned, the scores on
both instruments predict nonviolent nonsexual recidivism with a large effect size,
and general recidivism (any type of recidivism) and violent nonsexual recidivism with
a medium effect size. Sexual recidivism is not predicted at a statistically significant
level by either the SORAG or the VRAG-R. Violent recidivism (sexual and non-sex ual combined) is moderately predicted by the SORAG and the VRAG. However,
these predictive qualities vary by the age of the victim. Certain combinations of items
can be good predictors. In this regard, the VRAG-R items “failure on conditional
release” and “marital status” together constitute a predictive model for general recid ivism and sexual recidivism. The addition of the item “age at index offense” improves
this model for general recidivism.
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