Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2018

Counterconditioning as a crucible for studying associative interference


Counterconditioning (i.e., cue-outcome1 followed by cue-outcome2) is the most traditional instance of associative interference and hence a good preparation to seek general rules of interference. Extinction is rather similar, although it replaces outcome2 with the absense of any explicit event. Counterconditioning is typically more effective than extinction. However, we failed to find this relationship either with neutraloutcomes or outcomes of opposing valence. Our experiments speak to the role of outcome.
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Dates et versions

hal-04301712 , version 1 (23-11-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04301712 , version 1


Tori Pena, Cody R. Pollack, Alaina Berutti, Audrey Li, Yoan Villement, et al.. Counterconditioning as a crucible for studying associative interference. Eastern Psychological Association, Mar 2018, Philadelphia, PA, United States. ⟨hal-04301712⟩
7 Consultations
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