Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2019

Integration of Consumers’ Sensitivities and Preferences in Demand Side Management


To address the new challenges arising from the higher penetration of renewable energy in electrical grid, Demand Side Management (DSM) and Demand Response (DR) aim to involve the residential as well as industrial consumers in the grid equilibrium. Ensuring benefits for both utility and users requires the consumers sensitivities to be understood and then included in the Energy Management System (EMS). For this purpose, the cost is the predomi- nant and most often only factor taken into account in the literature, although in the residential sector other concerns influencing electricity consumption behaviour has been observed. This paper presents an EMS based on a neighbourhood of consumers modelled at the level of their appliance and incorporating 6 consumption profiles along three sensitivities: cost, environment and appliances shifting comfort. A multi-agent optimization is lead by a central aggregator but performed locally by the household using multi-pass Dynamic Programming (DP), thus ensuring privacy protection for the stakeholders.
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hal-04443392 , version 1 (07-02-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04443392 , version 1


Benoit Durillon, Florentin Salomez, Arnaud Davigny, Sabine Kazmierzcak, Hervé Barry, et al.. Integration of Consumers’ Sensitivities and Preferences in Demand Side Management. ELECTRIMACS 2019, May 2019, Salerno, Italy. ⟨hal-04443392⟩
6 Consultations
8 Téléchargements

