Poster De Conférence Année : 2016

Relationship between Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality, Interpersonal Measure of Psychopathy and Psychopathy Checklist - Revised among adult forensic patients

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hal-04482102 , version 1 (28-02-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04482102 , version 1


D. Delannoy, Claire Ducro, Xavier Saloppé, Thierry H. Pham. Relationship between Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality, Interpersonal Measure of Psychopathy and Psychopathy Checklist - Revised among adult forensic patients. 16th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS), Jun 2016, New York, France. ⟨hal-04482102⟩
5 Consultations
9 Téléchargements

