Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Chemometrics Année : 2020

TRICAP 2018 Angel Fire Resort, New Mexico


The conference ThRee-way Analysis In Chemistry And Psychology (TRICAP) is already the ninth edition in a series ofconferences on multiway and multiset methods across many disciplines. This series started with a small workshop onthree-way methods in chemistry (then called TRIC) in Epe, The Netherlands, 1993 bringing together researchers frompsychology and chemistry working on three-way methods and applications. Then, the name was changed into TRICAP,and the next meeting was in Lake Chelan (USA, 1997). From then on, the meeting was held every 3–4 years alternatingbetween the United States and Europe, always at secluded and beautiful places. This is also the philosophy of the meet-ing: bringing together researchers from very different backgrounds (chemists, chemical engineers, psychologists, com-puter scientists, and the like) to intensively discuss problems of three-way analysis.Over the years, the focus has broadened to contain not only three-way methods but also methods to analyze multi-ple data sets simultaneously, such as multiset and multiblock analysis. The presentations are very diverse; they rangefrom theory to computation to applications. The format of the conference is such that enough time is given to pre-senters and discussion which often also continues at the bar. The size of the conference is usually small, around 30 peo-ple attending.The 2018 TRICAP conference was held in the Angel Fire Resort in Northern New Mexico with Mark van Benthemas chair. There were 28 participants of 11 different nationalities. The contributions were again very diverse and enter-taining. The two leading journals in Chemometrics have joined forces and present a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) onmultiway and multiset methods resulting from this conference and with contributions from former attendees. We havedivided the contributions equally among the journals, and in these digital times, it is easy to produce such a VSI. Thetotal list of contributions ordered in type of topic is given below including in which journal it is published with a directlink. We hope our readers will enjoy this VSI and get a sense of the atmosphere of the TRICAP conferences! The nextTRICAP will be in Brittany (France) in 2021 or 2022.

Dates et versions

hal-04500736 , version 1 (22-03-2024)



R. Tauler, Cyril Ruckebusch, A. Smilde. TRICAP 2018 Angel Fire Resort, New Mexico. Journal of Chemometrics, 2020, Journal of Chemometrics, -, ⟨10.1002/cem.3313⟩. ⟨hal-04500736⟩
4 Consultations
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