Multinuclear (Al-27, Si-29, Ti-47,Ti-49) solid-state NMR of titanium substituted zeolite USY
Multinuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy, employing 29Si MAS,27Al MAS/3Q-MAS and 47,49Ti wide-line experiments, has been used for the structural characterization of titanium substituted ultra-stable zeolite Y (Ti-USY). 27Al MAS experiments show the presence of aluminum in four (AlIV), five (AlV), and six (AlVI) coordination, whereas the multiplicity within AlIV and AlVI is revealed by 27Al 3Q-MAS experiments. Two different tetrahedral and octahedral Al environments are resolved and their isotropic chemical shifts (δCS) and second-order quadrupole interaction parameters (PQ) have been determined by a graphical analysis of the 3Q-MAS spectra. The emergence of signal with higher intensity at –101 ppm in the 29Si MAS spectrum of Ti-USY samples indicates the possible occurrence of Q4(3Si,1Ti) type silicon environments due to titanium substitution in the faujasite framework. High-field (11.74 T) operation, using a probehead specially designed to handle a large sample volume, has enabled the acquisition of 47,49Ti static spectra and identification of the titanium environment in the zeolite. The chemical shielding and electric field gradient tensors for the titanium environment in the zeolite have been determined by a computer simulation of the quadrupolar broadened static 47,49Ti NMR spectra.