Article Dans Une Revue Clinical Nutrition Année : 2024

Home enteral nutrition does not decrease oral feeding in children during the first year of nutritional support


Background Enteral nutrition is necessary when nutritional status is poor and oral intake is insufficient or impossible. Although it has been suspected to reduce spontaneous oral feeding, no study has formally assessed the influence of enteral nutrition on pediatric oral intake. The present study aimed to evaluate variation in oral feeding intake after enteral nutrition initiation, and to identify factors influencing oral feeding. Methods This retrospective cohort study included 149 pediatric patients from two French tertiary care hospitals, who received home enteral nutrition from 2009 to 2022. The patients were aged 2 months to 17 years (median age 3 years, interquartile range 1.3–9.2). Oral and enteral intakes were assessed when enteral nutrition was initiated (M0), and again at M3 (n = 123), M6 (n = 129), and M12 (n = 134) follow-ups, based on dieticians' and home services’ reports. Oral feeding and body mass index z score variations during follow-ups were evaluated using a linear mixed regression model, including “time” as a fixed effect and “patient” as a random effect. Factors associated with oral feeding changes were assessed using a model interaction term. Results Oral intake did not vary significantly (P = 0.99) over time and accounted for 47.4% ± 27.4%, 46.9% ± 27.4%, 48.4% ± 28.2%, and 46.6% ± 26.9% of the ideal recommended daily allowance (calculated for the ideal weight for height) at M0, M3, M6, and M12, respectively. Delivery method (nasogastric tube versus gastrostomy), prematurity, underlying disease, history of intrauterine growth retardation, and speech therapy intervention did not influence oral intake. Administration (i.e., exclusively continuous nocturnal infusion versus daytime bolus) led to different oral intake development, although oral intake also differed at M0. Conclusions Enteral nutrition, although increasing total energy intake, does not alter oral feeding during the first year of administration. Only the mode of administration might influence oral intake.
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Dates et versions

hal-04633861 , version 1 (03-07-2024)



L. Zambelli, Madeleine Aumar, Delphine Ley, Matthieu Antoine, S. Coopman, et al.. Home enteral nutrition does not decrease oral feeding in children during the first year of nutritional support. Clinical Nutrition, 2024, Clinical Nutrition, 43, pp.781-786. ⟨10.1016/j.clnu.2024.02.001⟩. ⟨hal-04633861⟩


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