Article Dans Une Revue BMC Infectious Diseases Année : 2023

Fosfomycin-induced agranulocytosis: a case report and review of the literature


Background The intravenous form of fosfomycin, a bactericide antibiotic used to treat multiresistant bacterial infections is little prescribed. The most common reported adverse effects are hypokaliemia and hypernatremia. We describe a case of agranulocytosis, a rarely described side effect that may be fatal. Case presentation A 45 year-old woman was admitted to the intensive care unit for post-surgical meningitis following meningioma resection. Meropenem and vancomycin were first introduced. A DRESS-syndrom with meropenem was suspected. Neutropenia was diagnosed three days after the introduction of parenteral fosfomycin and agranulocytosis four days later. Eosinophilia was also observed. A bone marrow aspiration was performed showing a disappearance of the neutrophil granulocyte line and a significant eosinophilia. Meropenem was discontinued. Fosfomycin was maintained and filgrastim was added. As filgrastim had no effect, the relationship with fosfomycin was suspected, so it was then withheld. An increase of the neutrophil count was observed. Because of the complexity of the case, the unfavorable course of the illness and the urgent need for revision surgery, a rechallenge with fosfomycin was done followed by a decrease of the neutrophil count. Conclusion This is the third paper reporting agranulocytosis induced by fosfomycin, and the first detailed description of a case. Based on chronological and semiological criteria and bibliographic data, the event was qualified as probable with the Naranjo adverse drug probability scale. Literature data is scarce. The summary of product characteristics mentions that only a few cases of transient neutropenia and agranulocytosis have been reported. An analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System Database highlighted a higher than expected frequency of agranulocytosis in patients treated with fosfomycin. Parenteral fosfomycin is often used in patients receiving other medications, so that it is rarely the only suspect. In our case, the results of the bone marrow aspiration, the sudden drop of the neutrophil count with concomitant eosinophilia and the absence of improvement despite the dose decrease, point towards an immuno-allergic mechanism. However, the overlap between the suspected DRESS induced by meropenem and the agranulocytosis do not allow to conclude with certainty on the causality. Awareness should be raised about this side effect.
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Julien Demanet, Isabelle Alves, Alina Tone, Nicolas Ettahar, Justine Lemtiri, et al.. Fosfomycin-induced agranulocytosis: a case report and review of the literature. BMC Infectious Diseases, 2023, BMC Infectious Diseases, 23, pp.685. ⟨10.1186/s12879-023-08652-8⟩. ⟨hal-04794399⟩


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