Calcium carbonate-shelled microencapsulated phase change materials in cement mortar: A pathway to enhancing energy efficiency in building envelopes
Passive latent energy storage technologies based on phase change materials (PCMs) offer a potential solution for reducing energy consumption and regulating building thermal comfort. However, liquid PCM leakage, volume change, and low thermal conductivity limit their large-scale application. The microencapsulation method of PCMs has emerged as a promising technique to address these challenges. By encapsulating the PCMs, the shells effectively prevent PCM leakage during phase change, protect the core PCMs, and increase the heat transfer area. In this study, Microencapsulated PCMs (MPCMs) were synthesized and incorporated into cement mortar for mechanical and thermal evaluation. Paraffin wax served as the PCM, while calcium carbonate was utilized as both the shell material and a thermal conductivity enhancer. Comprehensive thermophysical and chemical analyses were conducted to characterize the composition, morphology, and storage performance of the MPCMs. The results demonstrated good chemical and physical compatibility of the MPCMs, with a high encapsulation ratio of approximately 48.66 % and latent heat of fusion and solidification of 92.17 J/g and 85.92 J/g, respectively. Also, the use of an inorganic calcium carbonate shell significantly enhanced the thermal conductivity of the PCM by 340 %. Although compressive strength decreased with increasing MPCMs content in the cement mortar, a mass ratio of 12 wt.% MPCMs to cement and sand still provided acceptable strength for use as an internal wall plastering material. Furthermore, the thermal evaluation revealed that MPCMs mortar exhibits superior thermal energy storage potential compared to conventional cement mortar. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of MPCMs to enhance the thermal inertia of building materials and improve indoor thermal comfort.