TEMUSE 14-45

Valoriser la mémoire des témoins et des collectionneurs d’objets

des deux Guerres mondiales : médiation, communication et interprétation muséales en Nord-Pas de Calais et Flandre occidentale

Valoriseren van de herinneringen van getuigen en van verzamelaars van voorwerpen uit de twee wereldoorlogen: museale bemiddeling, communicatie en interpretatie in Nord-Pas de Calais en West-Vlaanderen

Optimising the memories of witnesses and collectors of objects

from the two World Wars: Mediation, communication and interpretation in museums in the Nord-Pas de Calais and Western Flanders


International Symposium


13th and 14th September 2012

Maison de la Recherche, University of Lille3, Villeneuve d’Ascq


Directed by Michèle Gellereau


Project TEMUSE 14-45: “Promoting the remembrances of witnesses and collectors of objects of the two World Wars:  museum mediation, communication and interpretation in Nord-Pas de Calais and West Flanders” is led by researchers from the GERiiCO laboratory (Group for Interdisciplinary Research and Study on Information and Communication) at the University of Lille3 and the De ViSu laboratory (University of Valenciennes - UVHC). The research contract has been established within the framework of the INTERREG cross-border project “TransMusSites 14-45. Developing a cross-border network of museums and sites from the two World Wars” (TMS 14-45), in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais départements and the Province of West Flanders. The Département du Nord is lead partner for the project.

The objective of the symposium on September 13-14 2012 is to present an overview of analyses made and work carried out within the framework of the TEMUSE 14-45 project and offer collectors, researchers, academics and institutional stakeholders an opportunity to discuss findings and questions raised. Elected representatives, museum staff, TMS 14-45 project partners, as well as teachers, researchers, students and institutional stakeholders with an interest in these issues are also invited to take part in this scientific event.

Thursday 13th September 2012


9.00 a.m.: Welcome.

9.15 a.m.-10.00 a.m.: Opening of the Symposium by the TEMUSE project team and TMS14-45 partners: Nord Département - lead partner, Conseil général of Pas-de-Calais, West Flanders, University of Lille3 and GERiiCO laboratory, University of Valenciennes and DE VISU laboratory.

10.00 a.m.-12.00 p.m.: Summary of research by the “TEMUSE/GERiiCO/DE VISU” project team.

Michèle Gellereau (TEMUSE Project Director): Understanding, interpreting and optimising the memory of witnesses and collectors of objects from the two World Wars: Summary of the key results from the Temuse 14-45 study

Yannick Lebathi, Tiphaine Zetlaoui, Samuel Gantier: Why film interviews? Presentation of a reflective approach to information-communication sciences.

Émilie Da Lage: Producing knowledge with collectors.


(A simultaneous Dutch translation of this morning’s interventions will be provided)



1.30 p.m.-3.30 p.m.: Round table 1, led by Sylvie April (IRHiS Laboratory -Lille3): The position of objects in the work of collectors: how should we interpret war “witness objects ? How should they be included in mediation? 

Nicholas J. Saunders (Dept Archeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol): Biographies of Objects: Investigating First World War Trench Art 1998-2012.

Philip Vanhaelemeersch (University College West Flanders) and Philippe Oosterlinck (Collector): How should we interpret collections of objects from Chinese workers mobilized on the front? Findings from joint research…

Paola Filippucci (Studies in Archaeology and Anthropology, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge): Mute witnesses: an archaeological and ethnological approach to objects from the Great War.

Julien Mary (CRID and University of Montpellier): The French Ministry of Defence and Resistance and Deportation museums: finding the objects to suit the message A museo-historical essay.


3.45 p.m.-5.15 p.m.: Round table 2, led by Colette Dréan (Regional Department for Cultural Affairs (DRAC), Nord–Pas–de Calais): Experience of collaboration with collectors and the non-profit sector: questions of knowledge, message and complementarities

Dominiek Dendooven (In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres): Experience of collaboration with collectors.

Serge Chaumier (University of Artois): “Participatory” challenges in “social museums”.

Gilles Michelot (Fort Leveau in Feignies): Musée du Fort Leveau: experience of collaborations with collectors.


5.15 p.m.-5.30 p.m.: Conclusion of day one.


Friday 14th September 2012


9.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m.: Part 2 of the summary of research by the “TEMUSE/GERiiCO/DE VISU” project team.

Agnieszka Smolczewska Tona: Preservation and transmission of “memories” and their unique features within the framework of the TEMUSE project.

Pascal Bouchez and Alain Lamboux-Durand: Audiovisual recollection protocols applied to collectors’ experience: examples from three TEMUSE 14 -45 project sites.

Geoffroy Gawin: Donations and mediations by witnesses-donors: investigation in museums devoted to the Resistance.



11.15 a.m.-12.00 p.m.: Round table 3, led by Hélène Priego (Musée de la Résistance de Bondues): Discussion with collectors and museum staff taking part in the project

Participants invited: Musée du Fort de Seclin, Musée de la Cité d’Ercan in Erquinghem-Lys, Fort Leveau in Feignies, In Flanders Fields Museum in Ypres, Musée Alexandre Villedieu in Loos-en-Gohelle, Musée de Fromelles, Musée de D. Browarski in Neuville-Saint-Vaast, Musée d’histoire et d’archéologie d’Harnes, Musée de la Résistance de Bondues.


1.30 p.m.-3.00 p.m.: Round table 4, led by Daniel Jacobi (University of Avignon): How can collectors’ memories be translated in a museum setting? How can we convey the skills and knowledge of witnesses? Can audiovisuals be used to enhance the presentation?

Joelle Le Marec (University of Paris-Diderot): An experience in transmission: meeting former members of the resistance as witnesses at the Resistance and Deportation History Centre in Lyon.

Dominique Trouche (University of Toulouse): Current use of images and recordings of witnesses in war museums.

Yves le Maner (Scientific Expert, responsible for issues relating to History and Memory - Nord Pas de Calais Region): Museographic projects relating to the Great War in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region

Jean Marie Doual and Jean Marie Bailleul (Musée de Fromelles): Summary of developments at the Musée de Fromelles.


3.15 p.m.-5.00 p.m.: Round table 5, led by Émilie Da Lage (University of Lille3 and CLERSE Lille1): The role of non-profit organisations, collectors, witnesses and museums in commemorative and remem­brance tourism, itineraries, developing territories.

Anne Hertzog (MRTE Laboratory, Cergy-Pontoise University): Opening up battlefields to tourists and new forms of cooperation between different stakeholders.

Célia Fleury (Responsible for developing themed museums, Département du Nord): Relevance and usage of a cross-border network of World War museums.

Freddy Dolphin (Director of the Departmental Tourism Committee for the Nord): Commemorative tourism and tourist areas, from the cross-border to the local perspective.

5.00 p.m.-6.00 p.m.: Closing intervention by Daniel Jacobi (University of Avignon, Culture and communication team, UMR CNRS No. 8562): The museology of sensitive issues, between memory and emotion.