Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Applied Physics Année : 2019

The equation of state of TaC0.99 by X-ray diffraction in radial scattering geometry to 32 GPa and 1073 K


We have performed in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments on TaC0.99 compressed in a diamond anvil cell along 3 isothermal paths to maximum pressure (P)-temperature (T) conditions of 38.8 GPa at 1073 K. By combining measurements performed in axial diffraction geometry at 296 K and in radial geometry at 673 K and 1073 K, we place constraints on the pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) equation of state of TaC in a wide range of conditions. A fit of the Birch-Murnaghan equation to the measurements performed in axial geometry at ambient temperature yields a value of the isothermal bulk modulus at ambient conditions KT0=305±5(1σ)GPa and its pressure derivative (∂KT/∂P)T0=6.1±0.5. The fit of the Birch-Murnaghan-Debye model to our complete P-V-T dataset allows us to constrain the Grüneisen parameter at ambient pressure γ0=V(∂P/∂E)V0 to the value of 1.2 ± 0.1.
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hal-02284714 , version 1 (12-09-2019)



Sergio Speziale, Julia Immoor, A Ermakov, Sébastien Merkel, Hauke Marquardt, et al.. The equation of state of TaC0.99 by X-ray diffraction in radial scattering geometry to 32 GPa and 1073 K. Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126 (10), pp.105107. ⟨10.1063/1.5115350⟩. ⟨hal-02284714⟩
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