Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2015

Tailoring nanoscale interfacial configurations by vacuum hot pressing: the case studies of SiC/Al and diamond/Al composites

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Dates et versions

hal-02341381 , version 1 (31-10-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02341381 , version 1


Gang Ji, Zhanqiu Tan, Zhiqiang Li, Rajashekhara Shabadi, Ahmed Addad, et al.. Tailoring nanoscale interfacial configurations by vacuum hot pressing: the case studies of SiC/Al and diamond/Al composites. National workshop of powder metallurgy 2015, Apr 2015, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-02341381⟩
10 Consultations
0 Téléchargements

