Article Dans Une Revue Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Année : 2013

A Theoretical Study of the X-Abstraction Reactions (X = H, Br, or I) from CH2IBr by OH Radicals: Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry

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hal-02389229 , version 1 (02-12-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02389229 , version 1


Martin Šulka, Katarína Šulková, Florent Louis, Pavel Neogrády, Ivan Černušák. A Theoretical Study of the X-Abstraction Reactions (X = H, Br, or I) from CH2IBr by OH Radicals: Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2013, 227, pp.Pages 1337-1359. ⟨hal-02389229⟩
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