Indoor tanning: motivations and beliefs among users and non-users in the population of Lille (Northern France)
BACKGROUND: Uncontrolled use of tanning beds is a major public health problem. The role of UV in skin carcinogenesis has in fact been clearly demonstrated. AIMS: The main purpose of the study was to assess the motivations and beliefs of the population concerning the use of indoor tanning. The secondary objectives were to compare the knowledge of users and non-users and to screen for addiction criteria among users. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a transversal descriptive study conducted between April and June 2013 in Lille town center. The motivations of the participants were determined using a multiple-choice questionnaire. A Likert scale was used to assess beliefs and an m-CAGE questionnaire was used to screen for addiction. RESULTS: Of the 200 respondents, 30% (n=60) had used tanning beds in a non-medical setting. The median age of first use was 23 years (15-59). 11.7% of respondents had started before the authorised age of 18 years. "To prepare the skin for exposure to the sun" was the main reason given (68.3%) for use of tanning beds. The population was aware that use of such apparatus favours onset of skin cancer and ageing of the skin. Users were more convinced than non-users that UV cabins "prepare the skin for exposure to the sun" (75% vs. 49.6%, P=0.0009) and that they "favour skin cancer" (56.9% against 36.2%, P=0.0444). Addictive behaviour was detected in 3.3% (2/60) of users. CONCLUSION: Users are aware of the carcinogenic risk of UV cabins but expose themselves to such risk, as they believe it prepares their skin for sun exposure.