Effect of post-weld heat treatment onthermal diffusivity in UNS S32304 duplexstainless steel welds
Purpose: The thermal diffusivity variation of UNS S32304 duplex stainless steel welds was
studied after pulsed GTA welding autogenous process without filler addition. This property
was measured in the transverse section of thin plates after welding process and post-heat
treated at 750°C for 8 h followed by air-cooling.
Design/methodology/approach: The present work reports measurements of thermal
diffusivity using the laser-flash method. The thermal cycles of welding were acquired during
welding by means of k-type thermocouples in regions near the weld joint. The used shielding
gas was pure argon and 98% argon plus 2% of nitrogen. The temperature profiles were
obtained using a digital data acquisition system.
Findings: It was found an increase of thermal diffusivity after welding process and a
decrease of these values after the heat treatment regarding the solidified weld pool zone,
irrespective of the welding protection atmosphere. The microstructure was characterized
and an increase of austenite phase in the solidified and heat-affected zones was observed
for post-weld heat-treated samples.
Research limitations/implications: It suggests more investigation and new measurements
about the influence of the shielding gas variation on thermal diffusivity in the heat-affected zone.
Practical implications: The nuclear industry, especially, requests alloys with high thermal
stability in pipes for power generation systems and safe transportation equipment’s for
radioactive material. Thus, the duplex stainless steel grades have improved this stability
over standard grades and potentially increase the upper service temperature reliability of
the equipment.
Originality/value: After heat treatment, the welded plate with 98%Ar plus 2%N2 as
shielding gas presented a thermal diffusivity closer to the as received sample. By means of
2%-nitrogen addition in shielding gas during GTAW welding of duplex stainless steel may
facilitate austenite phase reformation, and then promotes stability on the thermal diffusivity
of duplex stainless steels alloys.