Article Dans Une Revue Etudes Anglaises Année : 2022

Visibilizing “Those Who Have No Part”: LGBTQIA+ Representation in Contemporary Nigerian Fiction in English


In this paper, I propose to analyze the ways in which several contemporary Nigerian novels written in English reflect upon LGBTQIA+ issues and rights, and to examine the politics of literature that they articulate in order to give “those who have no part” (LGBTQIA+ characters) a greater visibility in a heteronormative and homophobic society. The concepts developed by Jacques Rancière (“the distribution of the sensible,” “dissensus”) and Sara Ahmed (“willfulness”) enable us to show how these characters position themselves as “dissensual” (Rancière). This “dissensus” leads to the emergence and development of narratives that have long been silenced. I will show in what ways these novels first foreground the marginalization and taming of the “monstrous” LGBTQIA+ characters, before explaining that taken together, they constitute a “willfulness archive.” Finally, by giving a central place to LGBTQIA+ characters, Nigerian writers engage in a form of activism, which for some of them is also linked to a decolonial approach to gender whereby they “delink” from “the coloniality of gender,” in order to liberate Nigerian queer bodies.
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Dates et versions

hal-03715846 , version 1 (06-07-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03715846 , version 1


Cédric Courtois. Visibilizing “Those Who Have No Part”: LGBTQIA+ Representation in Contemporary Nigerian Fiction in English. Etudes Anglaises, 2022, Contemporary Nigerian Literature, 75 (2), pp.175-191. ⟨hal-03715846⟩


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