Early Maladaptive Schemes and Depressive Episode Disorders, among young. Psychoactive Substances Users
Anxiety and depressive disorder are frequents among students (Mullin et al., 2015), mainly in
association with psychoactive substances use (PASU). In Morocco, mood disorders are the most prevalent among more 15 (Asouab et al., 2005). The aim of this study is to identify variation factors of early maladaptive schemes (EMS) and depression among students in a vocational training psychoactive substances (PAS) users or non-users. A survey was conducted on a sample of 144 students, aged 20 to 27 years, (22,84±1,54), including 61 females (42,36 %) and 83 males (57,64%).We used two questionnaires: Rusinek Attitude Questionnaire to evaluate the presence and intensity of 13 EMS and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) to diagnose depressive episode among both students with or without PASU. Data were treated by SPSS (21). Results show that PASU is associated with an increase of depression and anxiety disorders. PASU is dependent on sex, number of persons per family and number of students living together. Drug use doesn’t depend on BMI like tobacco use which doesn’t vary with internship effect. Abandonment is the only EMS differentiating significantly drug users than non-users. Vulnerability is the EMS less activated among PAS users.