Real-Time Visualization of Morphology-Dependent Self-Motion of Hyaluronic Acid Nanomaterials in Water.
Drug delivery to target sites is often limited by inefficient particle transport through biological media. Herein, motion behaviors of spherical and nonspherical nanomaterials composed of hyaluronic acid were studied in water using real-time multiple particle tracking technology. The two types of nanomaterials have comparable surface compositions and surface potentials, and they have equivalent diameters. The analysis of nanomaterial trajectories revealed that particles with flattened morphology and a high aspect ratio, designated nanoplatelets, exhibited more linear trajectories and faster diffusion in water than nanospheres. Fitting the plots of mean square displacement vs. time scale suggests that nanoplatelets exhibited hyperdiffusive behavior, which is similar to the motion of living microorganisms. Furthermore, at 37 °C, the surface explored by a nanoplatelet was up to 33-fold higher than that explored by a nanosphere. This investigation on morphology-dependent self-motion of nanomaterials could have a significant impact on drug delivery applications by increasing particle transport through biological media.