Article Dans Une Revue (Article De Synthèse) Action publique. Recherche et pratiques Année : 2023

From administered prices to composed prices: public pricing methods and developments


There are many issues surrounding the pricing of public services, which was the focus of the 14th issue of APRP. Translated here, the first study documented the major historical developments in pricing models within the public sector, while the second looked at the theme of pricing for public services through a cross-examination between Martine Long, lecturer in public law, and Laurent Probst, managing director of Île‑de‑France mobilités, the public body responsible for organising transport in the Paris region, which provided an opportunity to examine the definitions, objectives and challenges of public pricing. The first paper, presented below, documents the major historical developments in pricing models in the public sector, while the second article in the issue compares different pricing models in several key public sector areas (hospital care, nursing homes, public employment services…).
Cet article revient sur les transformations historiques de la tarification publique. À l’aide d’une modélisation des prix dans le secteur public, il montre que différentes manières de fixer les prix se sont succédées dans le temps, mettant en évidence des évolutions dans la façon dont l’État envisage son action vis-à-vis des usagers des services publics.
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hal-04331075 , version 1 (14-12-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04331075 , version 1


Fabien Eloire, Jean Finez. From administered prices to composed prices: public pricing methods and developments. Action publique. Recherche et pratiques, 2023, Action publique. Recherche et pratiques, Hors-série n°1 / English special issue #1, pp.45-53. ⟨hal-04331075⟩
37 Consultations
30 Téléchargements

