Effects of Beliefs in A Just World and Supervisor Support on Burnout through Bullying
Literature has little investigated the role of serious conflicts which have degenerate in psycho-terror or bullying. Looking at the literature, bullying and burnout have rarely been simultaneous-ly investigated in order to understand common roles of causal factors as believes and social sup-port. Perceived social support is related to low level of burnout among teachers (Greenglass et al., 1996; Sek, 1988), among police officers (Martinussen, Richardsen, & Burke, 2007) among nurses (Hochwalder, 2007; Pisanti et al., 2012) and individuals may reduce workplace bullying and emotional exhaustion through the social support they get from people around them (Doğan, Laçin, &Tutal, 2015). The aim of our study was to examine the mediating role of workplace bullying in the relationship between, on the one hand, supervisor support and belief in a just world (BJW), and on the other hand, emotional exhaustion. A cross-sectional quanti-tative study conducted with self-completed anonymous questionnaires was piloted with 434 workers in France. The model was tested using a path analysis. First, results revealed that BJW and supervisor support were negatively related to emotional exhaustion. BJW and super-visor support were also negatively associated with workplace bullying. Finally, workplace bul-lying was positively associated with emotional exhaustion. More generally, results showed that social support from hierarchy and BJW were directly and indirectly related to emotional exhaustion through workplace bullying. Our model thus suggests that BJW and supervisor support can be a protective resource against bullying and exhaustion. The theoretical and prac-tical implications as well as the avenues for future research will be discussed.