Transcription profiling in the liver of undernourished male rat offspring reveals altered lipid metabolism pathways and predisposition to hepatic steatosis
Clinical and animal studies have reported an association between low birth weight and the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in offspring. Using a model of prenatal maternal 70% food restriction diet (FR30) in the rat, we previously showed that maternal undernutrition predisposes offspring to altered lipid metabolism in adipose tissue, especially on a high-fat (HF) diet. Here, using microarray-based expression profiling combined with metabolic, endocrine, biochemical, histological, and lipidomic approaches, we assessed whether FR30 procedure sensitizes adult male offspring to impaired lipid metabolism in the liver. No obvious differences were noted in the concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol, and bile acids in the liver of 4-mo-old FR30 rats whichever postweaning diet was used. However, several clues suggest that offspring's lipid metabolism and steatosis are modified by maternal undernutrition. First, lipid composition was changed (i.e., higher total saturated fatty acids and lower elaidic acid) in the liver, whereas larger triglyceride droplets were observed in hepatocytes of undernourished rats. Second, FR30 offspring exhibited long-