Blum versus Romagnesi: testing possible synonymies of some European russulas (Russulaceae, Basidiomycota)diomycota)
Among 45 Russula species and infraspecific taxa described by J. Blum, only few are currently accepted. Here we present a case study on R. formosa nom. illeg. (homotypic synonym of R. blumiana), R. decipiens var. ochrospora nom. inval. and R. roseobrunnea. The study is based on sequences and morphological observations of authentic herbarium material determined by J. Blum. The sequence data demonstrate that R. decipiens var. ochrospora is probably identical with the type variety and R. roseobrunnea is probably conspecific with R. rutila. Russula blumiana is recognised and described in detail as a good species related to R. badia.