High-resolution N-14-edited H-1-C-13 correlation NMR experiment to study biological solids
It was recently shown that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of nitrogen-14 (spin I = 1) can be obtained by indirect detection via spin S = 1/2 nuclei in powders spinning at the magic angle. An increased number of solid-state NMR methods are now available to tailor sequences for specific purposes, e.g., hetero-nuclear dipolar recoupling or homo-nuclear dipolar decoupling schemes. Here, we combine the latest recoupling and decoupling techniques to obtain high-resolution 1H–13C through-space correlation spectra, where only the correlation peaks of those carbons close to nitrogen nuclei are observed. The experiment is demonstrated on a 13C enriched l-histidine. HCl·H2O powder sample.