Poster De Conférence Année : 2024

Surface characterization of Fe-Cr-Ni-Si-P coatings resistant to wetting and liquid zinc corrosion during batch hot-dip galvanizing


Hot-dip galvanizing enhances steel corrosion resistance through the formation of protective zinc coatings. In batch galvanizing, steel parts are coated with zinc after several surface preparation stages. Steel hangers move the components from one bath to another, where they experience the same treatment and react with zinc, but cyclically. It's also necessary to clean the hangers in HCl in between galvanizing cycles. This process results in chemical waste, excessive consumption of zinc, and hangers' weight loss due to the formation and subsequent dissolution of Fe-Zn intermetallics. To address this, we aim to develop a zinc-resistant hanger material, focusing on SiO2's potential to reduce wetting and zinc use in the galvanizing process. Fe-Cr-Ni-Si-P coatings produced through the slurry process have a multiphase, complex microstructure consisting primarily of Cr- and P-rich phases scattered throughout a matrix of Ni- and Si-rich phases. Cyclic galvanizing tests revealed that those coatings decreased liquid zinc corrosion by 81% after 20 cycles, in comparison to the low-carbon DD13 steel. The wetting is also significantly reduced, with 85% less zinc consumed after 20 cycles for coated samples. This presentation will be centered around SEM-EDX surface analysis of samples at different stages of galvanizing treatment. They reveal that the P-rich phases are resistant to liquid zinc corrosion, whereas the matrix forms rare Fe-Zn intermetallics. At the same time, the matrix is responsible for the creation of a thin layer of protective oxides that reduce the wetting by liquid zinc. These coatings present a real interest for their application in batch galvanizing sites in order to increase production productivity and decrease waste since the slurry process can be adapted to parts of different sizes and geometries.
Fichier non déposé

Dates et versions

hal-04689884 , version 1 (06-09-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04689884 , version 1


Aleksandra Cieplak, Léo Portebois, Richard Comte, Ingrid Proriol Serre, David Balloy. Surface characterization of Fe-Cr-Ni-Si-P coatings resistant to wetting and liquid zinc corrosion during batch hot-dip galvanizing. EUROCOR 2024, Sep 2024, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04689884⟩
5 Consultations
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