Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2017

D4Humanities. Deposit of Dissertation Data in Social Sciences and Humanities – A Project in Digital Humanities


Following our work on research data and electronic theses and dissertations since 2013, we are conducting a new research project between 2017 and 2018 called D4Humanities with three objectives – to develop the research data management and stewardship on our campus, to gain better insight into the nature of research data in social sciences and humanities and to produce empirical evidence on the development of dissertations. In particular, the project contains three components: 1.Qualitative survey on behaviours and knowledge in the field of research data with 50 scientists from the University of Lille Social Sciences and Humanities Department, with a special focus on the FAIR guiding principles of scientific data management and stewardship. 2.The creation of a workflow for the submission of research data related to PhD dissertations (deposit, preservation and dissemination of data via the NAKALA service Huma-Num) 3.Two conceptual studies on the definition and typology of research data in SSH and on the development of dissertations in the environment of e-Science and Open Science (content, format, structure, requirements). In the following we present some preliminary results, in particular from the survey and from the conceptual studies, in order to enhance the understanding of research data in SSH and of the development of dissertations.
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hal-01598935 , version 1 (07-03-2018)


  • HAL Id : hal-01598935 , version 1


Joachim Schöpfel, Hélène Prost. D4Humanities. Deposit of Dissertation Data in Social Sciences and Humanities – A Project in Digital Humanities . GL19. Nineteenth International on Grey Literature, National Research Council of Italy CNR, Oct 2017, Rome, Italy. ⟨hal-01598935⟩
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