Rapport (Rapport De Recherche) Année : 2023

Adoption of the DAI in the Netherlands and subsequent superseding by ORCID/ISNI


This case study is part of a series that has been produced within the study on “Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well-functioning PID infrastructure for research” commissioned by the Knowledge Exchange in July 2021. The main outcome of this work is a report examining the current PID landscape with an emphasis on its risks and trust-related issues. The case study looks at the Dutch Digital Author Identifier (DAI). It explains the importance of contingency management and community involvement to successfully address risks and trust issues for a well-functioning PID landscape. The report, Building the Plane as We Fly It: the Promise of Persistent Identifiers, and remaining complementary case studies have also been published.
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hal-04245151 , version 1 (16-10-2023)




Pablo de Castro, Ulrich Herb, Laura Rothfritz, Joachim Schöpfel. Adoption of the DAI in the Netherlands and subsequent superseding by ORCID/ISNI. Knowledge Exchange. 2023. ⟨hal-04245151⟩
23 Consultations
27 Téléchargements


