Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2023

Enhancing values in the educational system: effects on teachers attitudes toward inclusive education


To enable inclusive education, values, organization, and functioning of the educational system have been reshaped (Bonvin et al., 2013) but some barriers remain, and among them, teachers' attitudes toward inclusive education. These attitudes are notably related to teachers’ values (Perrin et al., 2021). Due to the values the educational system also conveys, we assume that making salient those known to be positively linked to attitudes could enhance more positive attitudes among teachers in comparison with a control condition or with negatively linked values. To test this hypothesis, 527 volunteer teachers were randomly assigned to 4 experimental conditions enhancing specific values in a fictitious front page of a teachers' monthly magazine that they had to read before completing a measure of attitudes toward inclusive education. Results partially support the hypothesis but support the idea that the values promoted by the educational system could influence teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education, and open up prospects for enhancing inclusive policies and finally making inclusion an undeniable success.
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hal-04188086 , version 1 (25-08-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04188086 , version 1


Anne-Laure Perrin, Caroline Desombre, Mickael Jury. Enhancing values in the educational system: effects on teachers attitudes toward inclusive education. EARLI 2023, Aug 2023, Thessalonique, France. ⟨hal-04188086⟩


12 Consultations
9 Téléchargements

